Davidich’s new show Davidich Dynamic Drive (Triple D)

Material content

Relations with law enforcement

Another situation seriously affected his career. In 2014, a gang of killers appeared on the M4 Don highway, stopping cars. 17 people died before the bandits were caught. The community of street racers under the leadership of Eric Davidovich also participated in their detention.

People also view this episode in two ways: the activists driving around with weapons on the road, stopping everyone and treating their “colleagues” drivers rudely, looked more like gangsters than Robin Hoods. However, the bandits were imprisoned, the attacks stopped. And who knows, only the police would have been able to solve this case, without the help of the Davidovich community. By the way, he was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a courageous act.

With the advent of the channel on YouTube, videos appeared about the work of traffic police officers. The series was called “Davidych on the hunt.” And again the audience was divided in two: some believed that a noble man was fighting a thoroughly corrupt service. Others took it as a provocation and rudeness of Davidovich. Arguments came from both sides.

During the year, about 300 employees were shown breaking the law, complaints of extortion in the metropolitan area decreased. However, the manner of communication with employees, provocations, rudeness and offensive behavior are not very conducive to sympathy. Plus, a huge number of channel viewers took this behavior for granted in dealing with government officials.



Old-timers remember Eric’s page on Drive2, where he posted his auto reviews. However, later on this site he was banned for unflattering remarks towards other visitors. The story angered the hero so much that he vowed to create his own social network, which would become cooler than Drive2. So, on May 29, 2009, the site appeared.

A lot of money was invested in the development of the site – more than 150 thousand dollars. And along the way, Eric has his own YouTube channel. The icing on the cake was his own program “24 frames” on the former TV channel “Russia-2”, where he, as a journalist, talked about cars and their drivers for three seasons.

Personal life

Little is known about life outside the cell. He had a common-law wife Anna Kaganskaya. She was also sentenced to 3.2 years in an insurance fraud case. At large, the blogger got himself another relationship, with model Elizaveta Vasilenko. He met her online. For a long time, lovers were not enough. Vasilenko said that Eric was a gigolo who lived at her expense. But she soon refuted these words, referring to a joke. In 2021, it became clear about the affair with a certain 22-year-old Alina Kuznetsova, a former assistant secretary of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Eric Davidovich now

In 2021, Davidovich continued to work on the blog, releasing new videos on the YouTube channel and posting. Do not stop appearing in the life of Eric and scandals. So, it became known that the TV presenter “surrendered” the prankster to the servants of the law Mikhail Litvinov, posting on Instagram a video in which the latter fired a toy gun at a car with traffic police officers. Litvinov tried to find out from Davidich what inspired him to this act. However, instead of a constructive conversation between the men, a verbal conflict ensued with mutual insults.

In June, there was a new “clash” of Eric, this time with Russian wrestlers Magomed Ismailovperforming in mixed martial arts. The latter posted a video on his Instagram account showing how a popular blogger cuts him on the track. In the post, the athlete noted that mutual respect should be shown on the road, and also joked that an ambulance should be called to the place of the “accident”, since “a man with numerous fractures lies on the side of the gas station, according to the description he looks like Eric Davidich.”

But the adventures of the motorist did not end there. In July, the blogger went to Kazan to participate in the forum, and after it became known that the blogger had contracted a coronavirus infection. He himself announced this on Instagram.
