BMW X2 review, specifications, equipment and engines

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As for the range of power plants that the new model is equipped with, the car received both gasoline and diesel power units. Depending on the configuration, engines are installed on the F39 with a working volume of 1.8 to 2.0 liters, with a capacity of 140 to 190 horsepower. The motors operate in conjunction with a 7-speed robotic transmission or an eight-speed automatic transmission. The engines of the model, depending on the configuration, operate both with an all-wheel drive system and exclusively with a front-wheel drive.

The power plant, transmission and all-wheel drive system of the new crossover model are distinguished by high reliability, stable operation, unpretentiousness and excellent power characteristics.



On a test drive, I had a model in the maximum configuration – BMW X2 xDrive20d. Translated into Russian, this set of lowercase and uppercase letters with numbers means a four-wheel drive car with a diesel engine with a capacity of 190 horsepower and a cost of more than 3 million rubles.

From a small crossover, BMW engineers were able to make quite a sports car – especially when you turn on the Sport mode. With him, driving the car turns into an attempt to tame him. As soon as you press the gas a little to get onto the highway, there is a short pause, after which a sharp acceleration begins and the speed on the speedometer quickly passes the mark of 80 km per hour and continues to grow.

In X2 you have to constantly look at the speedometer – the car clearly wants to go faster than city speed limits. To avoid fines, you have to turn on Limit on every trip – the function prevents the car from accelerating faster than the set limit.

To change the value by 1 km per hour, you need to press the lever up or down, immediately by 10 km per hour – press the same lever harder. Almost like 3D Touch on the iPhone.

The car has an accurate and informative steering wheel, which allows you to feel confident in tight turns. It seems that it is impossible to send it into a skid. The standard trick with a sharp steering wheel and a strong pressure on the gas pedal, due to which the auxiliary systems on the car usually begin to frantically work, keeping the car in the desired trajectory, does not affect the X2 in any way. The car turns like it’s on rails.

However, the sporty behavior of the car has an understandable minus – a stiffer suspension. So the passage of the speed bump will not be imperceptible, and even small holes on the road will be given a thud in the cabin.

With its sporty behavior, the car turned out to be very economical – during a test drive with traffic jams, sharp accelerations and other “non-green” behavior, the average consumption of the X2 did not exceed 8 liters per 100 km.


The X2 interface consists of three parts: a small display built into the instrument panel, a large screen on the center console and a projection screen.

The head-up display serves solely to keep the most important information for the driver in front of the eyes: speed, navigation tips (if the route is built through the built-in navigator), cruise control settings, speed limit sign recognized by the car and warnings.

The speed limit sign recognition in the X2 works flawlessly. It’s nice that the system is integrated with cruise control and a top speed limiter function.

For example, if you set the maximum speed to 80 km per hour, then when a 60 km per hour speed limit sign is recognized, X2 will offer to immediately reduce the set limit with one button.

Through the iDrive settings, you can change the brightness and position of the head-up display: raise it higher or lower it, depending on the height of the driver. You can also change the tilt of the projection to the left or right – but why?

It is strange, but the position of the projection display is not tied to the driver – remembering the settings of the seat, it would be logical to save the projection position as well.

Another oddity is the lack of automatic adaptation of the projection brightness to the time of day. On a sunny day, you have to set the maximum brightness in order to see the projection, and in the evening set the minimum value so that it does not blind. Twice a day you have to climb into confusing settings.

The first week for music, navigation and other things, I used exclusively CarPlay. However, it turned out to be completely inconvenient for daily use due to constant synchronization with the iPhone.

You build a route in Apple Maps on CarPlay – it is shown on the X2’s central display. You go to Apple Music on your iPhone to switch the playlist – the navigator in CarPlay collapses. To return it, you need to open the maps application on your smartphone again.

CarPlay does not even allow you to use Yandex.Navigator normally on your smartphone. As soon as I switch the track through the CarPlay interface, the Navigator application immediately collapses and Apple Music opens instead.

By the beginning of the second week, I turned off CarPlay and used exclusively BMW’s iDrive interface for navigation and music. It is not as beautiful and understandable, but more predictable.

Surprisingly, the built-in maps were not as terrible as I thought. They, for example, can be praised for the clear display of complex interchanges – even better than in Yandex.Navigator.

The BMW Navigator is able to show traffic jams and warn of accidents on the roads. It only does it in a strange way: a message about “faulty vehicles” or “Dangerous road” appears on the instrument panel and center display. situations.” Moreover, the notification must be closed in two places – on the instrument panel and on the central screen.

Navigator colors are not well chosen – the blue color of the route merges with the green color to indicate traffic congestion

Two options are available to interact with the center display in the X2 – a standard BMW wheel next to the gear lever and a touch interface.

The touch interface turned out to be completely unclaimed – the screen is far to reach, the wheel turned out to be much more convenient. Its surface is touch-sensitive – in order to be able to type text. You draw a letter with your finger, and the system recognizes it. In a word, it is impossible to use it.

There is a voice assistant, but he speaks very slowly and soothingly. In addition, each time you need to separately pronounce the city, street and house number.

You get used to managing the interface using the wheel in a couple of weeks. And you even begin to use the buttons for quick access to the menu without looking. However, to call such an interface “convenient” will not work. You constantly encounter illogicality: you turn on the playback of a random song, but then you won’t be able to turn on the next track from the steering wheel – only through the buttons on the center console.

But this is cool: X2 has an interface “hover” – when you touch a button with a number, a hint is shown on the display.

The car can be controlled via the BMW Remote app. For example, you can turn on the air conditioner, open the car, see its location, turn on the headlights, or sound the horn.

The application periodically crashes and does not work very stable – according to the App Store, the last time it was updated was a year ago.


The car received a youthful, sporty appearance: in particular, the side and rear parts of the new model correspond to this description, the optimally selected angle of inclination of the windshield, and the smooth outlines of the lower edge of the window line.

The central part of the “facade” of the car is distinguished by a branded radiator grille, inserts which are made of vertical lines, Chrome-plated edging adds status and elegance to the car. In top versions or for a surcharge, the grille can be made in completely black.

The design of the headlights is similar to that used on the BMW X3-series, however, some changes have been made to the shape and design of the headlights. In the basic configuration, the filling of the head optics is halogen, with an LED edging in the shape of the letter C, and in the top versions it is completely LED.

As for the appearance of the car’s bumper, it received a less elongated central part, compared to the body kit that was equipped with the concept version of the model, as well as a massive additional grille. The edging of the additional grille is made in black (in some variations in gray) in color, along the edges of the kit there are two triangular air ducts and round fog lights.

The hood, unlike the bumper, received aggressive lines: two stretch from the grille to the windshield, “along the way” raising the side covers. Stylish slopes located above the head optics add aggression to the appearance of the car. As for the windshield, it has an inclined sports shape: it is easy to see both from the front and from the side, as the car’s developers tilted the A-pillars back and also rounded the side of the glass.

The side of the crossover unequivocally hints at the sporty character of the car: body-colored sill plates, black plastic trim in the lower part of the body, extended bulging wheel arches, large wheels on low-profile rubber, this is just a small list of details that emphasize the athleticism and aggression of the car . The profile features include the presence of a BMW nameplate on the rear pillars: this design solution is not new – in the 1960s, the Bavarian automaker equipped sports cars of its time with this design element. Also, the side windows of the car look quite modern, door handles and aerodynamic mirrors demonstrate that the crossover has far from the most modest technical characteristics.

As for the design of the rear of the new model, it is distinguished by fairly large LED brake lights with a three-dimensional pattern, a neat small trunk lid, a standard compact sports spoiler, chrome-plated nameplates, and the company emblem, indicating that the car belongs to the Bavarian auto concern. The very bottom of the rear of the car body is equipped with a large black plastic insert with a stamped diffuser located in the very center of the part. The side part is reserved for the placement of exhaust pipes, fog lights, and a niche is also provided in the center for installing a license plate in it.
